8 Tips to Save Energy as the kWh Cost Increases

As the kWH cost continues to skyrocket for both gas and electricity, there’s no time like the present to reassess your energy consumption at home. Whether you are moving into a new home or not, there are things you can do to be more energy efficient. It only takes some small lifestyle changes to make a real difference.

8 Tips to Reduce Energy Consumption at Home

1. Take showers instead of baths

A bubble bath is a very relaxing way to unwind but it may be more energy-savvy to take a shower instead. You could go the extra mile and invest in an eco shower head to make your shower time as efficient as possible – some may even be able to turn to cold showers to reduce energy consumption. In any case, swapping even one bath per week for a 4-minute shower could lead to significant savings over the year.

2. Turn off the lights when they are not needed

It’s easy to forget to switch lights off as you leave a room, but it’s a good habit to have. It is also wise to consider the type of lightbulb you are using. Incandescent and halogen bulbs are extremely inefficient with their energy usage, so it is much better to switch to CFL or, ideally, LED lights to save energy.

3. Avoid overfilling your kettle

Every time you fill your kettle with more water than you need, the appliance will use more electricity to boil that water than it would for a smaller amount. Being mindful of the amount of water you use could end up saving you a decent amount of money on your electricity bills.

4. Draught-proofing

Draught-proofing is important to save money on heating. It will help insulate your home and lower your need to turn the eating on. Common sources of draughts are usually found around windows, doors and ventilation, and some simple draught excluders or tape could plug the holes. Cardboard boxes, among their many uses, are also helpful for insulation.

5. Use a smart thermostat

A smart thermostat will monitor your heating usage and provide opportunities to make adjustments to suit your needs. This reduces the chances of energy being wasted and also gives you the ability to switch the heating off remotely if you’ve left the house and forgotten to turn it off.

6. Track energy usage with a smart meter

If you know how much energy you are using at any given time, it becomes easier to find opportunities to save. A smart meter tracks your energy consumption and shows you what you can do to reduce it, so there will be no nasty surprises when the bills come through.

If you are moving house, make sure to add “Get a smart meter for new house” to your Moving House Checklist.

7. Don’t leave devices on standby

Electronic devices left on standby will continue to consume electricity when not in use. If you unplug those devices from the wall when they’re not in use, it could save you a lot of money each year. Things like games consoles, washing machines, dishwashers and microwaves are big culprits for this.

8. Avoid tumble dryers

Tumble dryers use a lot of energy to create the heat needed to dry clothes. You could cut this out by using racks indoors or washing lines outside when possible to make some significant savings over the course of the year.

Final thoughts on kWh cost

Reducing your energy usage at home can also involve larger changes like adding solar panels, heat pumps, insulation and double glazing but the simple tips in this post will add up to some welcome savings as well. It just takes a little care and mindfulness around the house, and it can make a big difference.

Looking for a way to plan a house move that is both cost-efficient and eco-friendly? Here are some Eco-Friendly Moving House Tips.

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