Checklist for Cleaning Your Home Before and After Moving

cleaning house checklist

Moving can be quite an ordeal, packed with endless tasks and responsibilities. One crucial yet often overlooked duty is cleaning. Ensuring your old home is spotless for the next occupants and your new home is clean and inviting is essential. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help you manage the cleaning process before and after moving, ensuring a smooth transition and a fresh start.

The Importance Of Cleaning Before and After You Move House 

Moving homes involves numerous tasks, from packing up belongings to arranging logistics. Amidst these responsibilities, the task of keeping your home clean is often overlooked. However, thoroughly cleaning both your old and new homes is crucial. Here’s why cleaning before and after you move is important, along with some essential cleaning tips to help you get started.

Leaving a Good Impression

Leaving your old home clean shows respect to the new occupants. Whether selling your home or ending a rental agreement, a spotless house leaves a positive impression and demonstrates you’ve taken good care of the property.

Meeting Lease or Sale Agreements

Most lease and sale agreements require the property to be left clean. Failing to meet these requirements can result in deductions from your security deposit or even legal issues. A thorough cleaning ensures a smooth handover and avoids potential disputes.

Moving house is already an expensive ordeal, and most landlords expect the property to be returned in the same condition as when you moved in, aside from normal wear and tear. By thoroughly cleaning your home, you can avoid potential deductions from your deposit for cleaning fees or repairs. Ensuring every corner is spotless can save you money and prevent disputes with your landlord.

It is almost always ideal to hire End-of-tenancy cleaning services for such tasks, as it ensures a professional standard of cleanliness, which is often required by rental agreements. Professional cleaners specialise in deep cleaning, covering areas that are commonly overlooked during routine cleaning. This includes deep cleaning of carpets, getting into the nooks and crannies of kitchen appliances, and ensuring that bathrooms are free from lime scale and mould.

Starting Fresh in Your New Home

Cleaning your new home before moving in is equally important. It allows you to start fresh in a clean environment, free from dust and grime left by previous occupants, making the transition more comfortable and welcoming.

Health and Hygiene

Thorough cleaning eliminates dust, allergens, and germs. This is crucial if you or your family members have allergies or respiratory issues. Regular cleaning promotes a healthier living environment.

Stress Reduction

Moving is stressful, but a clean and organised home can significantly reduce that stress. Knowing your old home is clean allows you to focus on settling into your new space. Additionally, a clean new home makes unpacking and organizing easier.

Increased Property Value

If selling your home, cleanliness can impact its value. A clean, well-maintained home is more attractive to buyers, potentially leading to higher offers and a quicker sale.

Understanding the importance of cleaning before and after your move can better prepare you for the transition. For practical cleaning tips and a detailed checklist, keep reading. Following these guidelines will ensure both your old and new homes are spotless, making your move smoother and more pleasant for everyone involved.

Your Comprehensive Cleaning Checklist

Now that you have a better idea of why cleaning before and after your move is important, here’s a comprehensive cleaning checklist that will guide you through the process.

Before Moving

General Preparation

Before you start cleaning, gather all the supplies you’ll need: brooms, mops, vacuums, cleaning agents, dusters, sponges, and trash bags. Plan your cleaning schedule to avoid any last-minute rush. Tackling one room at a time and starting well in advance can be a lifesaver. Also, declutter and remove personal belongings first; this not only makes cleaning easier but also ensures you don’t accidentally discard anything important.

Living Room

  1. Dust and Wipe Surfaces: Dust all surfaces, including shelves, furniture, and decorative items. Use a microfiber cloth to trap dust rather than just spreading it around.
  2. Clean Windows and Window Sills: Use a glass cleaner for the windows and a damp cloth for the sills. Pay special attention to corners where dirt tends to accumulate.
  3. Vacuum or Mop Floors: Depending on your flooring type, vacuum carpets thoroughly or mop hardwood, tile, or laminate floors.
  4. Patch Up Walls: Remove any nails or hooks from the walls and use wall filler to patch up holes. This ensures the walls are smooth and ready for the next occupants.


  1. Cabinets and Drawers: Empty out all cabinets and drawers. Wipe them down with a damp cloth to remove any crumbs or spills.
  2. Sink and Faucets: Scrub the sink and faucets with a non-abrasive cleaner. Pay attention to any stains or build-up.
  3. Appliances: Clean the oven, stovetop, and microwave thoroughly. If you have a self-cleaning oven, run the cleaning cycle; otherwise, use an appropriate cleaner.
  4. Refrigerator: Defrost and clean the refrigerator. Remove all shelves and drawers, wash them separately, and wipe down the interior.
  5. Floors: Sweep and mop the kitchen floor, ensuring you get into corners and under appliances.


  1. Toilet, Shower, and Bathtub: Use a disinfectant cleaner for the toilet, shower, and bathtub. Scrub away any soap scum or mildew.
  2. Sink and Mirrors: Clean the sink and mirrors with a suitable cleaner. Ensure all toothpaste splatters and water spots are removed.
  3. Tiles and Grout: Wipe down tiles and scrub grout lines if necessary. A mixture of baking soda and water can work wonders on stubborn grout stains.
  4. Floors: Sweep and mop the bathroom floor. Ensure you reach behind the toilet and under the cabinets.


  1. Dust and Wipe Surfaces: Dust all surfaces, including shelves, nightstands, and dressers. Wipe them down with a damp cloth.
  2. Windows and Window Sills: Clean windows and sills thoroughly. Use a vacuum attachment to remove dust from blinds or curtains.
  3. Floors: Vacuum carpets or mop hard floors. Pay attention to corners and under furniture.
  4. Closets: Ensure closets are empty and clean. Wipe down shelves and sweep or vacuum the floor.

Utility Areas (Garage, Attic, Basement)

  1. Clear Out Belongings: Remove all personal items from these areas. Dispose of or donate items you no longer need.
  2. Sweep and Mop: Sweep the floors thoroughly and mop if necessary. Be cautious of any hazardous materials and dispose of them properly.

After Moving In

Initial Sweep

Once you’ve moved into your new home, conduct a thorough inspection to identify areas that need immediate attention. Open windows and doors to ventilate the home and let in fresh air.

Living Room

  1. Dust and Wipe Surfaces: Dust all surfaces, including shelves and furniture, to remove any dust that may have settled during the moving process.
  2. Clean Windows and Window Sills: Use a glass cleaner for the windows and a damp cloth for the sills.
  3. Vacuum or Mop Floors: Depending on your flooring type, vacuum carpets thoroughly or mop hard floors.


  1. Cabinets and Drawers: Wipe down all cabinets and drawers to remove any dust or residues.
  2. Sink and Faucets: Clean and sanitise the sink and faucets.
  3. Countertops and Surfaces: Sanitise all countertops and surfaces to ensure they are safe for food preparation.
  4. Appliances: Check and clean appliances if necessary. Run a cleaning cycle in the dishwasher and washing machine if applicable.
  5. Floors: Sweep and mop the kitchen floor, ensuring it is clean and hygienic.


  1. Toilet, Shower, and Bathtub: Sanitise these areas thoroughly. Use a disinfectant cleaner to ensure they are free of germs.
  2. Sink and Mirrors: Clean the sink and mirrors, removing any water spots or toothpaste splatters.
  3. Tiles and Grout: Wipe down tiles and scrub grout lines if needed.
  4. Floors: Sweep and mop the bathroom floor.


  1. Dust and Wipe Surfaces: Dust all surfaces and wipe them down with a damp cloth.
  2. Windows and Window Sills: Clean windows and sills thoroughly.
  3. Floors: Vacuum carpets or mop hard floors.
  4. Closets: Set up and clean closets. Wipe down shelves and vacuum or sweep the floor.

Utility Areas (Garage, Attic, Basement)

  1. Sweep and Mop: Sweep the floors and mop if necessary. Remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated.
  2. Ventilation: Ensure these areas are properly ventilated to prevent dampness and mould.

For tips on how to organise your belongings after the move, our article on how to unpack after moving house could be very helpful.

Final Tips

Use Eco-Friendly Products

Using eco-friendly cleaning products is not only better for the environment but also for your health. Look for products that are biodegradable and free from harsh chemicals. Homemade cleaners using vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice can be effective and safe alternatives.

Professional Cleaning Services

If the thought of cleaning overwhelms you or you simply don’t have the time, consider hiring professional cleaning services. They can provide a thorough cleaning, ensuring every nook and cranny is spotless. This can be particularly useful for move-out cleaning, which often requires a deeper cleaning than regular maintenance.

Regular Maintenance 

Once you’ve moved in, maintaining cleanliness can prevent the need for exhaustive cleaning sessions in the future. Develop a regular cleaning schedule that includes daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. This can help keep your new home in top condition and make it a more enjoyable place to live.


Cleaning before and after moving is a crucial step in ensuring a smooth transition and a fresh start in your new home. By following this comprehensive checklist, you can make the process more manageable and efficient. Remember, a clean home is not just about appearances; it also contributes to a healthier and more comfortable living environment. Share your cleaning tips and experiences in the comments, and happy moving!

For additional moving tips, you can refer to our last-minute moving tips article to help you stay organised and stress-free during your move.

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