Change Of Address Checklist: Everything You Must Know

When you’re moving house, there is always a moving house checklist with a long list of tasks you must accomplish. However, what not many people realise is the fact that whether you’re moving to Dubai or simply moving from one side of London to the another, changing your address is one of the most important yet often forgotten items on that list.

You do not have to worry, though, as while the change of address process is pretty long and a bit tedious, it is not complicated. This change of address checklist guide will take you through everything you need to do in order to make sure your change of address goes as smoothly as possible.

Change Of Address Checklist

Below, you will find a full list of everything you need to do when changing your address.

Let Your Family and Friends Know

If you are moving to a new city, or even just down the street, it is important that inform friends and family members of your upcoming move. The last thing you want is for them to show up at your old house expecting to find you there!

So, what you can do is create a moving announcement card. This can be as simple as a piece of paper with your new address and contact information on it, or you could get creative and make something more special.

Another way to let people know about your move is through social media. You can create a post on Facebook or Twitter announcing your change of address and even include a photo of your new house to get people excited. Remember not to post your exact address online, though, as you don’t want to make it easy for people to find your home or worse, commit identity theft.

Telling them in person is always an option as well, though it may not be possible if you are moving a long-distance away.

Update Your Address With The Post Office

One of the first places you need to update your address is with Royal mail and the post office. This way, your mail will be sent to your new house instead of your old one.

To do this, you can either go to your local post office or do it online. You will need to fill out a change of address form, which you can get from the post office website.

Once you have filled out the form, you will need to submit it either in person or online. Once it has been processed, your mail will be forwarded to your new address.

You should also contact any companies that you have a subscription with and let them know about your change of address. This includes magazines, newspapers, and even online subscriptions.

Update Your Driver’s License and Other Identification Documents

Your IDs will also need to be updated with your new address. This includes your driver’s license, passport, and any other government-issued ID. You can do this through post or through the DVLA website.

To change your address on your driver’s license, you will need to fill out a change of address form and send it off to the DVLA. You can also do this online, though you will need to provide additional documentation.

You will need to provide your old and new addresses, as well as proof of identification. This can be a driver’s license, birth certificate, or passport.

Remember to do this ASAP, as you may incur fines if you are caught driving with an outdated driver’s license or take too long before updating your address on it.

Change Your Address With The Bank

Another important place you need to update your address is with your bank. This is important for a few reasons.

First, if you have any checks that are sent to your old address, they will be forwarded to your new one. Second, if you have any direct debits or standing orders set up, they will be moved to your new address as well.

And finally, if you have any credit cards or loans with the bank, you will need to update your address on all of those accounts as well.

To change your address with the bank, you can either go into a branch or do it on your online bank account. You will need to provide your old and new addresses, as well as your account number and sort code.

Update Your Car Insurance Details

If you have car insurance, you will need to let your insurer know about your change of address. This is because your premium may be affected by the move. For example, if you are moving from a rural area to an urban one, your premium will likely increase. Conversely, if you are moving from an urban area to a rural one, your premium may decrease.

To update your address with your insurer, you can either call them or do it online. You will need to provide your old and new addresses, as well as your car registration number.

It is important to note that if you move during the policy term, there may be a short period where you are not covered. This is because the insurer will need to update your details and calculate your new premium.

Home Insurance

Speaking of insurance, you must also remember to grab insurance for your new home. This is especially important if you are moving into a new property.

Your current home insurance policy may not be valid for your new home, so it is important to speak to an insurance agent about what policies are available to you.

You will need to provide your old and new addresses, as well as the address of your new home. You will also need to provide the value of your belongings, as this will affect the premium.

Also, remember that some insurance providers may not cover certain types of homes, such as those that are listed.


You will also want to update your address details on your NHS records. You can do this by calling the NHS helpline or by updating your details online.

You will need to provide your old and new addresses, as well as your NHS number. This is important so that you can continue to receive healthcare at your new address.

It is also crucial that you have your current healthcare providers forward any information about your care, especially if you have a sensitive health status, to your new provider. This will ensure a safe and smooth transition to your new primary health care provider.

Let Your Employers Know

Next, you must also let your employers know about your change of address. This is important, as they will need to update your contact information in their systems.

Doing this will also ensure that you continue to receive your paychecks and other important mail from the company.

You can update your address with your employer by calling them or sending an email. You will need to provide your old and new addresses, as well as your employee number (if you have one).

Change Your Mobile Phone Billing Address

If you have a mobile phone, you will need to update your billing address with your phone company or service provider. This is important so that you can continue to receive service at your new address.

To do this, you can either call your service provider or update your details online. You will need to provide your old and new addresses, as well as your mobile phone number.

Update Your Electoral Roll Registration

If you are registered to vote, you will also need to update your voter registration details with your new address. You can do this by calling or emailing your local authority.

You will need to provide your old and new addresses, as well as your National Insurance number (if you have one). It is important to note that you may not be able to vote in the same constituency if you move outside of your current area.

Update Your Utility Providers Of Your New Address

Finally, you will need to update your address with your utility providers. This is important so that you can continue to receive gas, electricity and water at your new home.

To do this, you can either call or email your provider. You will need to provide your old and new addresses, as well as your account number (if you have one).

It is important to note that you may need to provide proof of address when updating your details. This could be a copy of your lease agreement or a utility bill in your name.

Ready For The Big Move?

Moving house can be a stressful time, but it doesn’t have to be. By following this change of address checklist, you can make the process as smooth as possible. Now that you’ve read through our change of address guide, it’s time to get started on the process! Follow these simple steps, and you’ll be moved in no time.

Meanwhile, if you are looking for professionals to help you with end-of-tenancy cleaning or the process of moving house, you will want to check out some of our partner man and van companies in your area.

Moving To London?

Aside from the tips above, moving to London can be very expensive. If you are not employed, you will need to show that you have enough money to support yourself for the duration of your stay. So, if you are not employed, you will need to find a job before you can move to London. Also, if you plan on moving to London with your family, you will need to find a place to live that is big enough for all of you.

Meanwhile, to book a trusted mover anywhere in the UK, you may rely on our website. WhatManandVan is committed to helping customers find cheap but reliable moving companies in London and other major cities across the UK. Through its extensive network of trusted partner companies, the platform provides customers with access to a wide range of man and van services, from small item deliveries to full-scale home relocations. With transparent pricing, flexible scheduling options, and excellent customer service, WhatManandVan makes it easy and affordable for anyone to move within and across major cities like Manchester, Bristol, Liverpool, Leicester, and Bournemouth.

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